
(주)엠디엑스케이는 고객의 연구 목적에
적합한 기술과 서비스를 제공합니다.



Next-generation immunostaining of cells and tissues

in situ protein analysis.

Navinci Diagnostics는 단백질 간의 interaction 및 단백질의 modification, expression을 확인할 수 있는 Proximity Ligation Assay를 제공합니다.


Proximity ligation with Navenibodies

Probe incubation
Unfolding Proximity Probe가 결합된 2차 항체 처리
Probe activation
Template formation
Ligase를 넣어
Circle 형태로 만듦
Signal amplification
rolling circle amplification
Visualization and data processing
형광현미경 관찰

Easy sample-to-results workflow

Obtain distinct signals with NaveniFlex's streamlined workflow
Review and capture images using a fluorescent microscope
Perform digital quantification with imaging software


Advantage / Features

  • Clear target detection

    단백질의 과발현없이 현미경으로 직접 발현확인 Higher Signal to Noise ratio : Reduced tissue background

  • Sensitive in situ detection

    Endogenous 상태에서 발현량이 약하거나 일시적인 단백질 결합 확인 가능 Save precious antibodies

  • Reliable supply and quality

    Consistency in staining Reproducibility

  • Straightforward protocol and workflow

    No picture enhancement needed 기존의 immunofluorescense 이미징 장비를 이용한 시각화

  • Investigate unmodified cells and tissue

    Detect proteins in their native state, without any overexpression or modifications.

  • Spatial (contextual) analysis

    Retain protein localization : Visualize proteins as they are

  • High specificity

    Two antibodies detect two different epitopes on the same protein or complex

  • Excellent signal resolution

    Obtain clear target detection

  • Digitally quantify data

    Works with several image analysis software’s- dot counting

  • Assay within one day

    6 hour protocol NaveniFlex assay

  • High-quality reagents

    Navenibodies : carefully selected antibodies conjugated to proprietary oligo arms

  • High sensitivity

    NaveniFlex unique probe design significantly enhances the signal


Protein expresstion

* Possibility to detect low abundant proteins

Protein modification

* Specific detection of post-translational modifications, also with the use of pan-specific antibodies

Protein interaction

* Detection of protein-protein interactions

Protein detection PDL1

Cells HDLM-2, SignalSlide® PD-L1 IHC Controls 13747

Detection fluorophore TEX615

NaveniFlex MM

Detection of phosphorylation of PDGFR-ß

Cells fresh frozen, PFA fixed BJhTert cells

Detection fluorophore TEX615

NaveniFlex MR

Protein interaction of proximity between H3K4me3 & H3K27me3

Cells Neuronal Stem/Precursor Cells (primof proximity between H3K4me3 & H3K27me3 ary cultures)

Detection fluorophore Atto647N

NaveniFlex MR

Protein detection beta catenin and E-Cadherin

Tissue FFPE Skin Tissue

Detection fluorophore TEX615

NaveniFlex GR

Protein interaction of beta-catenin and e-cadherin

Tissue Human skin tissue

Detection fluorophore ATTO488

NaveniFlex MR

Protein interaction between CD8a & HLAa

Tissue Lung cancer FFPE tissue

Detection fluorophore ATTO488

NaveniFlex MR

Research Area

  • Immuno-profiling
  • Treatment validation
  • Signaling profiling
  • Biomarker discovery
  • Drug testing
  • Diagnostics
  • 회사명 : (주)엠디엑스케이대표이사 : 심성보
  • 사업자등록번호 : 214-88-06412개인정보관리책임자 : 김보현
  • 주소 : 경기도 과천시 과천대로 7길 33, 디테크타워 A-801
  • TEL : 02-578-8848FAX : 02-578-8838